2014 Varsity - 2014 5A State Runners Up

2014 Varsity - 2014 5A State Runners Up
2014 Varsity - 2014 5A State Runners Up

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Indoor Soccer Starts Next Week

First Indoor games are this upcoming week...Unicorns play Tuesday at 5:05 against A-West!!!! Mustangs play Wednesday at 5:40 and Ponies play Wednesday at 4:50. Everyone needs to wear black shorts and black socks for the first game. Bring a white and dark shirt with you just in case we need it. I should have game jerseys at the first game. Please arrive 20 minutes before the start of your game. If you have questions please email me or comment here. I will be sending out a text tomorrow. I am missing numbers for the following people. If you could please email me that would be great. Gianna DiGregorio, Julie Talorico, Hannah Lemmons, Callie Stroud, Adalyn Schumer, Lexi Mazzocchi, Sarah Fuhr, Jordan Foster, Geona Childress and Amanda Shrewsburry. Please email me asap with a cell phone number for updates. Thanks!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Indoor League Schedule

Everyone playing indoor, the schedules are posted. You can view them at www.teamsideline.com/ifoothills Look at the left side of the page under Winter '12. If you are on the Unicorns, you are under Varsity Ralston Valley Mustangs. If you are on the Mustangs, you are in the sub-varsity league and you are Mustangs A. If you are on the Ponies, you are in the sub-varsity league and you are Mustangs B. Varsity league starts Tuesday, January 3rd, and Sub-Varsity starts Wednesday January 4th. This is a week earlier than originally planned. Please let me know if you have questions or will not be there for the first games. 
All indoor soccer players must go to http://www.ifoothills.org/athletics_rules.asp to fill out the player waiver form. It is located under "Indoor Soccer" and you choose the "Youth Individual Waiver Form" We are the winter league, and the league/Season is either Varsity or Sub-Varsity, and the season is Winter 2012. Let me know if you have questions. Nobody will be able to play the first game without having that signed by a parent.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

All Players Interested In Trying Out For Soccer In The Spring Of 2012:

If you or your daughter are interested in trying out for the mustang program in 2012, please take a moment and fill out this form.  It will help us to better prepare for tryouts.  Thanks!


T-shirt Help

Thanks to everyone who got me their tshirt sizes...I am missing sizes from the following people...if some of you know these people can you please get in touch with them and tell them I need their sizes ASAP...They can either post here or email me at rvhsgirlssoccer@yahoo.com I need to put these in by the end of this week so please help! Kaitlin Sweeney, Mia Richker, Leesa Rockhold, Sarah Fuhr, Evan Roark, Geona Childress, Renee Roemer, Emily Morris, Cassie Wilson and Alyson Brown. Also - Please drop of an old soccer or basketball to my house ASAP...6308 Violet Ct. Arvada, 80403

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Old Soccer/Basketballs needed

Ok...anyone planning on joining us for soccer conditioning in January...I am in need of 1 OLD soccer ball from each of you...We will be turning them into medicine balls...I need them to me by the middle of December. That will give me enough time to turn them into medicine balls... You can drop them off at my house at 6308 Violet Ct. Arvada, 80403...Basically 64th and Easley. If you have more than 1 you can donate I would appreciate it. Please mark it with your name so I know who has brought them. You can just leave them on my porch - no need for me to be here when you drop them. Thanks!