Welcome back from Spring Break! It's time for the Fundraising push!!! We are not even close to where we need to be so far, but I know a lot of stuff comes in last minute. I would like for all of your golf ball sales to be complete by this Friday, April 4th. I would also like donations to be turned in by then as well. Leesa Rockhold's mom is going to collect donations from Varstiy and Level 3. JV donations can go to Savannah and Lindsay Guerrero's dad. You can bring donations to practice and we will get them to the correct person. Make sure your donation is labeled with your name so we can give the correct person credit for the donation. Also, include the name of the person who donated it so we can include it on the list of donors for our event. They are also welcome to send cards or other marketing materials that we can put out that night. If you would hold onto those materials and just bring them the night of the drop that would be best.
Remember - everyone is responsible for fundraising. It's not optional. We need this money to help our program run smoothly for years to come.
Thank you to all of you!